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OUTTA VOICE 3_edited.jpg

‘Outta Voice’ es un proyecto que concluye con la tesis del artista Gonzalo Miralles realizada en el año 2023 para el Máster en Investigación en Artes y Humanidades en la ‘Royal College of Art’ en Londres, Reino Unido.


El autor de la tesis se inspiró en el modelo RNR (Riesgo – Necesidad – Responsividad), mediante el cual se obtiene el índice de riesgo de reincidencia en base a ocho factores relacionados, en parte, a la situación de vulnerabilidad del usuario. Estos son:


  • Patrón de personalidad antisocial

  • Actitudes pro-criminales

  • Soporte social para el crimen

  • Abuso de sustancias

  • Familia/relaciones de pareja

  • Estudio/trabajo

  • Historia delictual

  • Actividades recreativas prosociales


En base a estos factores de riesgo, se computa un algoritmo mediante el cual se obtiene la probabilidad de reincidir del sujeto objeto del estudio. En este sentido, el artista se detuvo en uno de estos (Actividades recreativas prosociales), que está relacionado al ocio y guiado específicamente hacia el desarrollo de las artes como medio de socialización.


En virtud de ello, impulsó y ejecutó un concierto de música y poesía llamado ‘Outta Voice’ en el Club ‘The Jago’ en la localidad de Dalston, donde participaban personas que estuvieron privadas de libertad en Londres, con el objetivo de incidir en la inserción de estas, que de cierta forma padecían riesgos de volver al mundo delictual.


Así, con una exitosa convocatoria y lineup de gente extraordinariamente talentosa, se produjo un evento que desde las artes impulsó un bienestar social y de conciencia al público frente al insistente clamor popular por agravar las condenas de las personas que han infringido la norma penal, sin considerar sus orígenes y contextos que pudiesen haber determinado a estos a concluir con su libertad coartada.

‘Outta Voice' is a project that concludes with the thesis of the artist Gonzalo Miralles carried out in 2023 for the Master in Research in Arts and Humanities at the ‘Royal College of Art’ in London, UK.


The author of the thesis was inspired by the RNR model (Risk - Need - Responsivity), by which the recidivism risk index is obtained based on eight factors related, in part, to the user's situation of vulnerability. These are:


- Anti-social personality pattern

- Pro-criminal attitudes

- Pro-criminal associates

- Substance abuse

- Family/partner relationships

- Study/work

- Criminal history

- Prosocial recreational activities


An algorithm is calculated based on the risk factors, which helps to determine the probability of the subject under study repeating their criminal behaviour. In this sense, the artist focused on one of these (prosocial recreational activities), which is related to leisure and specifically oriented towards the development of the arts as a means of socialisation.


Therefore, the artist organised a concert of music and poetry called 'Outta Voice' in 'The Jago' Club, located in the Dalston neighbourhood. The event was aimed at people who had been deprived of their liberty in London, with the goal of helping them stay away from criminal activities. The concert was a success as it brought together a group of at-risk individuals and provided them with a positive and constructive outlet for their talents.


Thus, with a successful call and a lineup of extraordinarily talented individuals, an event was produced that promoted social welfare and public awareness through the arts. This was in response to the persistent popular clamour for harsher sentences for those who have violated criminal laws, without taking into account their origins and the contexts that may have led them to their current situation and potential alibied freedom.

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